TV Of My Youth
This morning as I was getting ready for work a commerical came on for the Tony Danza Show. I don't usually watch this show, but they were doing a "Who's the Boss" reunion. I quickly programmed our DVR to tape it. When I got home I watched part of this reunion. It got me thinking about the shows that I loved watching while I was growing up. Here is a short sample of the shows that that were "must see tv" for me while I was young.
I never missed an episode of "Who's The Boss". Infact, I taped many of them and my cousin and I would watch them over and over and over. I think the tape finally died from us watching and rewinding so many times. When I was off last week I happen to catch a rerun and it was one of those episodes where I knew every single line. Laura was looking at me like, "you are so fucking weird". I remember having a photo album full of pictures of Alyssa Milano. Hum....I wonder why? Little did I know at the time that I had a HUGE crush on her. I thought she was the definition of "cool".
The Facts of Life. I didn't watch it that much when they were still in school, but when they got out of high school and moved in with Mrs. Garrett and ran that pastry shop, I never missed a show. This was another one of those shows I could not miss. To show you how much I watched it, here's a question. What was the name of the final store they owned together. (the store with all the cool gadgets, etc.) A true fan of Facts of Life would know it was called "Over our Heads". I could tell you the whole story in detail as to why they called it that, but I don't want to bore you. It was those seasons when George Clooney was on the show as the neighbor. They used to have reruns on Nick at Nite, but I haven't seen any in a long time.
So, Little House on the Prairie was the very first show that I would watch all the time. I didn't get into the show until they were showing reruns. I don't even remember when they were on live tv. Anyway...I still watch this show today. There are two channels here that show episodes every day. One of them shows it at 7pm and if there is nothing else on or we aren't busy, I always make Laura watch them. My favorite episodes are the ones where they are having financial problems. Wait, isn't that every show? Well, when they are really struggling. Do you remember the one where it was x-mas Eve and they were all telling stories and they woke up the next morning and it had snowed all the way to the top of their roof and they had to go to the barn to get the presents. God, I love this show. Here's another question. What's the dogs name in the above picture. If you guessed Bandit, you are right. They had a dog from an earlier time named Jack. you can tell I have seen every single episode at least 5 times.
And these my friends are just a few of my favorite shows growing up.
Hey! Those are all my favorite shows too! I even went crazy on eBay a few years back and bought every single episode of Little House. :)
I luvvved Little House on the Prairie, so much in fact that I had an outfit and bonnet that I wore when I watched it. I would love to have all of them on DVD. Me. . . green with envy.
The Waltons were a favorite too! I think I had a crush on John Boy.
I loved Who's the Boss, Perfect Strangers, and The Cosby Show. Those were the ones I remember watching every week.
LOOOOOOVED Who's the Boss and Facts of Life. Good Times was another one that I watched religiously. Funny, the 10-year-old I babysit loves little house on the prairie and has the ful DVD collection of episodes even though she wasn't around to see it on TV! I guess it's timeless.
Oh oh! I hated (and still do!) all three of those shows. Will I be shunned??!! Pleez pleez pleez give me another chance!
casey--i found a few dvd's of little house at the Dollar Store. Now with a DVR I simply just record the shows
ragged--i remember reading your post about little house and the episode i also wrote about..being snowed in.
sweet angel--perfect strangers was also good.I had forgotten about that one
nap queen--I also love good times. TV land plays episodes every night and I watch it when I get a chance. I loved JJ...Dynomite!!
teena--sorry you hate those shows. You're still alright with me.
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