Monday, September 01, 2008

Life is Very Good

First of all, I have some very good news. The vet called me just a few minutes ago and told me that all of Sophie's blood work came back just fine. It was sweet because the first thing she said was, "how is Sophie doing?" She was happy to hear that she is doing better and more active. My vet is so awesome to take the time out of her Holiday to call and let me know. It was funny because in the background I could hear her little girl saying, "I want Pizza". It was cute. Thanks for all your prayers.

My weekend: I really don't know how to express how perfect this past weekend was. Susan came down on Saturday and went home this afternoon. We spent the weekend talking (we never have trouble finding things to talk about), shopping, watching LOGO and listening to this song. I am trying to figure out how I got so lucky. I have found (well, she actually found me) this beautiful, smart, funny and kind woman that is completely crazy about me. If going through the past 18 months is what lead me to her, then it was all worth it and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Susan passed a very important test this weekend. Usually Ben will hide whenever someone new comes into the house. It's usually weeks or months before anyone really sees him. Saturday evening Ben came out and even went up to her. By Sunday morning he was letting her pet him and walking around the apartment more. Late last night we were laying in bed and I looked over and both Ben and Bonk were on her side right next to her. Even when Susan got out of bed, Ben just laid there. She is officially a part of our family.

It has been impossible not to talk about my blog and all my blogger friends. This blog and all of you play such an important role in my life that I had to share this with her. So I imagine she will be visiting my blog now, so please be sure to say HI to her.

So here it is the start of new month. I have a healthy dog and one amazing woman. Life is very good.


beans said...

YEAH YEAH and YEAH! I am glad to hear Sophie is ok.

Your weekend sounded amazing, and I am happy to know things are still going fantastically!!!

HI SUSAN! Welcome!

Lynilu said...

:D Hi, Susan!

:D Way to go, Sophie!

:D :D :D, Caroline!!!

Renaissance Woman said...

Good for you on every level. I'm so glad that Sophis is healthy and feeling better. And sounds like you had a great time with Susan. Welcome to the blogging world Susan.

One Messed Up Chick said...

Im glad to hear Sophie is doing good!! And also glad you had a great weekend!! Welcome Susan!

Audra said...

that is absolutely just wonderful! :)

Monogram Queen said...

VERY glad Sophie is okay! It's so hard when our precious pets aren't well.

Also very glad Susan passed the "pet test". They are VERY perceptive (as are children!)

It does my heart such good to know you are in a "good" place. You, of all people deserve it.

Oh and did you hear about that pesky hurricane hitting Louisiana. Sure hope L&S weren't affected *snort*

I know, I know, i'm being MEAN. Can't help it. Part of my charm.

A social worker in the making. said...

I am glad your in a good place right now. Yaay about Sophie

SheA said...

good news...great news...welcome news..YAaAAAaAA

MJ said...

Good for you on all accounts. Sounds like life really has taken a turn for the best.