Monday, February 18, 2008

Boring is Good

I think for the first day in a year, I really have nothing to say. As I came home tonight I tried to think of what I would write about, but it seems that my life has suddenly become boring again. And I am loving it. I forgot how good it feels to be boring.

I am feeling blessed with what I do have and with all the love and support that is surrounding me. I don't know if there has been another time when I have felt so loved, appreciated and cared for. It truly is an awesome feeling.

I am coming up on the last week in the house. And this time I think it's for good. And I am OK with that and really looking forward to the move. I realized that this is the first time that I will truly have a place of my own. Before it was either my ex husband or Laura that I lived with and shared a home. Even in the 4 years between my ex-husband and Laura my parents were there and kind of controlled what I did and didn't do, so I really wasn't on my own.

Even though I am coming to this feeling a little later then most, I suddenly feel all grown up.


A social worker in the making. said...

I love boring too,no sick kids or family drama. So I say bring on boring

Bella said...

Boring is good!

Caroline said...

redfrog--that is how i am feeling...the more the boring the better...

katie--i couldn't agree with you more

Julie said...

I'm older, so I'm going to tell you that it never stops happening. And it's awesome. We get so many starts and stops.
I am so excited for you and your new home, I think you're going to LOVE it.

SassyFemme said...

Boring is very good!

Here's to new beginnings just around the corner for you!

Caroline said...

julie--i really feel like i am getting a do-over in life. and this time i have full control and can do whatever i feels great

sassy--thanks sassy...i am thrilled that i really don't have that much to talk's great

LostInColor said...

Happy boring day!

Minnesota Nice said...

I hope this whole week stays boring, we have three whole nights of Idol to watch this week!

Minnesota Nice said...

I hope this whole week stays boring, we have three whole nights of Idol to watch this week!

Sonya said...


Minnesota Nice said...

What movies did you watch? Any good?

Anonymous said...

Caroline I have not been in touch for a while.....soaking up some beautiful sunshine and warm lazy days with a good book by the pool.(The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett)I know you love the winter and the snow lol I bought a lap top while here in Fla and am enjoying it so much. Soooo moving day coming soon....that will be so nice for will be in total control. We all experience boredom at some time but that usually means no trauma or stress or confrontation is occurring, at least for the time being. If I`m not back - Happy Moving Day.


Monogram Queen said...

Hooray for new fresh beginnings!