Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Another Good Reminder

If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything.

It's that simple.


Audra said...

that is always a good thing to remember.

Luna said...

Hope your head is feeling better!

Bella said...


Casey said...

AMEN! :)

Anonymous said...

Amen Sista!

Lynilu said...

Yep, yep, yep!!!

yankeegirl said...

I never asked my kids wwjd, but I have many times asked
What did Thumper (from the movie Bambi) say? Words to live by!

Jamie said...

Hope you are feeling more with it today, and your advice is good--we should all remember that one...thanks.

Patti_Cake said...


and may I add: "think twice before you go to hurt a friend's feelings. Especially a friend you KNOW is kinda fragile these days"