Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Wordless Wednesday (On Tuesday Night)


Anonymous said...

what a cool cat!! Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Syd said...

That is precious!!!

Marie said...

if they can get along, i don't understand why the republicans and the democrats can't see eye to eye, :) :) just a thought!!! great photo this week!

Anonymous said...

So lovely being together like that...

DebD said...

Oh what a great photo. The cat looks like he/she is in charge!

Happy WW

Deb on the Run

Mz Jackson said...

Hey, I have a dog that looks like that, but she was a foundling and we weren't sure what kind she was. What kind of dog is yours?

byoc said...

What cute pets!

Minnesota Nice said...

I love GIANT YAWN shots! And they aren't easy to get!

Monogram Queen said...

So cute!

Rebecca said...

As a cat lover I'm glad to see yours letting the household know who's really in charge! My WW is up at http://www.anyapples.blogspot.com/

Cafe Cats said...

what a yawn!

Anonymous said...

Sweet illustration of Friendship! :-)

Happy WW!

Aline de Chevigny said...

LOL the cat told him LOL


The Daily Matters said...

Are they bestfriends?


Angela said...

How sweet! Are they best buudies? Have a great day!

Macoosh said...

hahah in that second photo it looks like the cat is yelling away at the dog and the dog is just watching tv unphased. wait a minute...are they a married couple?!!? haha

happy ww!

Anonymous said...

How cute! So are they in charge of the couch while you sit on the floor to watch tv? ;)

Happy WW!

SassyFemme said...

Hey, are you doing okay with the flooding in your area?

Lynilu said...

LOL! It looks like Brady is yelling at Sophie, and she has that OMG look on her face, too! They are SO funny!!