Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wordless Wednesday


Lynilu said...

I love Ben against the white sheets!

But Brady seems to be saying, "I *told* you she likes Ben best! Two pictures of him, one each of me and Sophie cat, and none of Astro or Bonk. And as far as Sophie dog, goes, she's already worn out one camera on her. Harumph."

Actually, that's a great picture of Brady. He looks very bored!

Caroline said...

lynilu--well, now my secret is out about Ben. And yes, Sophie dog is tired of me taking her picture. I tried to get a new picture of her last night, but she wouldn't sit still long enough for me to get one. As soon as I pull out the camera she stops doing whatever she is doing just to make me mad. And yes, Brady does look very bored.

yankeegirl said...

I just finished a school assignment about non verbal communication. It's amazing how much these picutres say and it's fun to imagine what the cats would say if they could really talk.

The World In The Eyes Of Brothers said...

I love the first picture and the 3rd. Lovely.

Monogram Queen said...

When they are that darling no words are needed!

Anonymous said...

love the pictures :)

Aline de Chevigny said...

LOL they look like they run the house. I love it LOL


Caroline said...

yankeegirl--you are so right about nonverbal communication. i am not sure i could print what the cats are saying :)

jarid&canydon--can you tell who is my favorite? but don't tell anyone

patti--thanks patti, i think they are pretty cute as well


aline--you are so right about them ruling the house

Parker said...

I Love your kitties, they are all wonderful!

One Messed Up Chick said...

I love your pictures :) I put some up today from our trip! Hope youre having a great day. It was nice talking with you yesterday!

Minnesota Nice said...

Now who is that in the second pic, with their paws all stretched out? What a fluffball!

Caroline said...

parker--thank you..i am very fond of all of them

eye--i loved all your pics. so glad that you did a post for WW

sandra--that is sophie cat..laura's cat. sophie is hanging out with me until laura gets settled..whenever that is