Thursday, May 11, 2006


On Tuesday after work I noticed that my ears were feeling as if I had a cold. When I got home I did something I shouldn't have done. I used a Q-tip in my ear and it immediatly got worse. I figured it was probably just a little wax build-up, which I get sometimes. I then went out and got some ear wax removal stuff. I spent the next hour trying to get my left ear unclogged. There were times when I couldn't hear anything at all out of that ear. I finally just took a Benadryl and went to bed.

Yesterday morning I got my doctors office and made an appointment with the nurse practionier. All of yesterday my ear was feeling a lot better and I even thought about canceling the appointment. But then I decided since I was still having some discomfort in my left ear I better keep the appointment.

So, this morning I went in and was shocked to find out that I have a pretty bad ear infection in my left ear. I wasn't having that much pain, just some discomfort. The nurse said that my ear canal was very swollen and red and irriated. While talking to Laura after my appointment, she reminded me that I had some trouble getting the water out of my ear while we were swimming in Florida. The nurse put some antibotic drops in my ear and also gave me a RX for antiobotics. As I was driving to work I realized my ear really does hurt. This explains all the headaches I have had the last week or so. Let's just hope it clears up before the pool opens in two weeks.

On a brighter note..I have lost ten pounds since my last visit. YEA. I was kind of nervous about getting on the scale because I have not been working that hard at losing weight. Just maintaining. They took some blood, so we will really see how things are going when I get the results back. Also, my blood pressure is as she said, "very normal".

As I was leaving the nurse stopped me and said, "have you had a pap smear recently." Damn. I had no way of getting out it this time. So, on June 1 I will be having this done. I would rather do anything but this.


Anonymous said...

Caroline. CAROLINE! HEY!! Oh, wait a minute, I'll talk into your right ear. Can you hear me now? Good. ;-) Food for thought . . . next time you go on a "water" trip or even to the local pool, take some ear drops that will help to clear the water out of the canals, You just put a drop or two in after swimming, and it avoids this kind of problem. Glad you got it treated.

Good luck on the blood work.

Caroline said...

lyn--did you say something?

Minnesota Nice said...

I love Q-tips.

SassyFemme said...

Oh I hate paps, it's been years since I had one. I know, I know, bad me.

Isabel said...

Ugh, pap smears. Just had mine the other day. Not fun.

Good luck on the blood work. Hope the ear feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

Look at it this way, Caroline . . . having a pap is better than a mammogram!! AARRRGGGGHHHHH!

And sassyfemme . . . good grief, girl!!!!!!! Someone who loves you wishes you would!

Married Lesbian Mom said...

Hello! I just wanted to make my presence know. I have been a reader for awhile. Come check my blog out sometime if you want. Hope the ear is better. Have a great weekend.

Caroline said...

sandra--i love them too, but they are sooo bad for you.

sassyfemme--don't feel too bad. i think it's been 5 years since my last pap

isabel--my ear already feels a little better..

lyn--i have never had a mammogram, but from what you have said, i am not looking forward to it.

marriedlesbianmom--hi..i do check out your blog quite often. sorry i haven't commented on yours. will make it a point to comment.