Sunday, March 01, 2009


Yesterday I did absolutely nothing. I slept for most of the day and just didn't feel like doing anything. It didn't help that when I woke up it was cold and snowy outside. I did manage to make it out around 3pm to rent the movie Changeling. It was just OK. It was really long and when the movie was done I decided I needed another nap. It was nice doing nothing yesterday.

Today I got to see S and of course that made me very happy. She's like this ray of sunshine in my life and really makes me realize how loved I am. I told her today that I am lucky because my best friend is also the love of my life. She is so good to me and for me.

Today we decided that her cat, Miss Kitty, really needs to be around other cats. Miss Kitty is young and full of energy and needs someone to play with. My Ben is also fairly young and tries all the time to play with Bonk who really isn't up to playing. So about a week after I move Miss Kitty, who has now been re-named Molly, will come live with me. I think it will be good for Ben to have someone young that he can run around with and chase. I thought it would be a good idea to allow my babies about a week to adjust to the new place and then we will bring Molly home. I can't wait.

Oh and the best part about Molly....she is a total diva and loves to have her picture taken:

This is my favorite picture of her:

She is going to fit in perfectly with my little family.


Lynilu said...

OMG! You are as bad a I am!!! LOL! Now how are you going to hide her? :D

She is a really pretty cat. But you .... you crack me up!!!

Caroline said...

lynilu--i know..i was thinking that when i was driving home. s told me that i have to stop at 3 cats otherwise i will be the cat lady. :) i am not too worried about hiding her because i don't see the landlord coming by that often and if they do i will just put them in the bathroom or something. She is very pretty and i think she looks a lot like bonk.

MJ said...

You are the cat lady with 2 secret cats. You and Lynilu are cut from the same cloth.

Bobbie said...

what is wrong being a cat lady. She is a very pretty cat.

Caroline said...

mj--yea, you're probably right, but bringing molly into my home makes me very happy

bobbie--i don't think there is anything wrong with being called a cat lady. there's just going to be a lot more love in my home. :)

Julie said...

I've got a thing for tabbies....

Monogram Queen said...

She is a sweetie pie!

Caroline said...

julie--ME TOO.

mq--she is very sweet, but i renamed her Molly because she has a little bit of Irish in her and has a temper. but yes she is very sweet when she wants to be. we thought that she could learn some kitty manners from bonk and ben.