Friday, September 12, 2008

End of a tough week

This has been a very hard week at work. I have had a lot of tech issues that I have had to deal with and by last night I was done with work and really didn't want to come in today. I had a meeting this morning at one of our other locations and it was pouring rain. Not just raining, but it was so bad that I could barely see while I was driving on the highway. Going from my car to the building allowed me to have my second shower for the day. We are suppose to get rain all weekend and that kind of worries me because there is already some flooding happening. By next week we are suppose to get rain from the hurricane that is hitting Texas this weekend. I love rain, but this is a little much for even me.

Just 3 hours until I with my girl again. It is going to be a great weekend.

Hope everyone has a wonderful (and hopefully dry) weekend.


Monogram Queen said...

So glad the week is over, I can sympathize. I hate walking into my building. I tried to nag you last night LOL

Monogram Queen said...

Tonight I watched a show called "Gimme Sugar" on the Logo channel, ever watch it?

Anonymous said...

Its not going to be dry here. After two days of straight rain we will get to deal with the remants of Ike yaaaaay. Mike says we will have to hire a farmer and hay equipment to do the 3 yards.