Friday, June 13, 2008


I love Alanis Moriessette. Four years ago Laura gave me her new album for my birthday and this song became our song. It's just been in the last few months that I have been able to listen to the song and not get angry.

Well, this past week Alanis came out with a new album and I love it. It seems that our lives have kind of been parallel these last four years. The album that Laura gave me all the songs were about a new love and all had a "love" theme. Last year Alanis and her boyfriend broke up, so her new album is about starting over after a love ends. My favorite songs on the album are Underneath, Not as We and Incomplete. I really love the words to Not as We and I know I have several blogging friends out there that are dealing with a recent break up and I really urge you to listen to this song. I wish this song had been around last year for me.

Today MJ is having her eye surgery, so please go over and wish her well. She has had a rough week and I know she is kind of nervous about the recovery from this surgery. I know it would make her feel better if she got lots of comments wishing her well. Because I am such a good friend I did tell her that if she went blind I would go over and read to her. She didn't think my comment was very funny.


One Messed Up Chick said...

off to listen to that song since I am one of the many that got dumped on this year. :) Wishing MJ a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

MJ speedy recovery to you.

Anonymous said...

oops did it again, forgot my name. OMG How could I ever be a true blogger.....NEVER lol.

Renaissance Woman said...

I'm going to listen!