Friday, April 25, 2008

Someone is Feeling Neglected

Someone told me last night that she suddenly feels neglected. Usually I talk about what Sophie and the cats are doing, but it seems I have been a little distracted. As you can see Sophie got her summer cut last weekend. I usually don't like her summer cut, but this time she looks really good. And I know she feels so much better.

Here are some other things going on in my life that don't involve M&M:

~The temps in KC have slowly gotten warmer and more humid. I am already miserable and counting down the days until fall/winter.

~I turned on my A/C last week and it seemed to be working just fine. But the more I have had it on the less cool it has been in my tiny apartment. AND it's so humid. I went and put in a work order and they will be out to look at it on Monday. Thankfully it's suppose to cool down this weekend, so it shouldn't be too bad.

~Work is keeping me very busy and I will be working most of Saturday. The good thing is I will be taking Monday off to make up for the extra time I am putting in. I LOVE having Mondays off.

~This week by far has been the worst for cravings and urges to smoke. But I just keep taking deep breaths and taking it minute by minute. Today is day 16 and I still can't believe I have made it this long.

~Today after work I have a therapy session and I really am looking forward to it. I have not seen my therapist since before I moved. I was suppose to see him the Friday when I was sick and then I rescheduled and somehow he overbooked and we never set up a new appointment.


One Messed Up Chick said...

16 days that is awesome. You are doing great. I hope your therpay appt went well.
Hugs to you!

Minnesota Nice said...

I'm not smoking either but I'm eating too much instead which is also not good. I'm thinking a trip to the gym is in order tomorrow, not just to work off some calories, but also to see if I can go longer on the elliptical from giving my lungs a break?

Monogram Queen said...

Poor Soph!
You are doing GREAT!