Thursday, March 20, 2008


*Warning: If your stomach is sensitive you may want to skip this post*

I am sick. I am really sick.

About 9pm last night I took a bath and started feeling sick to my stomach. I was pretty scared because it has been since high school since I have thrown up. (I will do anything to avoid throwing up) I am not sure what was worse: throwing up my entire dinner or throwing it up in the bathtub. I had to sit in the tub until I could get up. It was horrible.

I am so thankful that my boss did pick up Sadie last night because I don't think I could have taken care of both dogs while I am sick.

I was up every 30 minutes last night getting sick. I really think there is nothing left inside of me. I am trying to drink some water, but I am not able to keep that down. I don't even think I could make it to the store just up the street, so I emailed a friend asking her to bring me something this afternoon.

I don't know if I ate something bad or have the flu, but this is no fun at all. Oh, and I will not be having what I ate last night ever again.

I think this explains me feeling insecure last night. I had a knot in my stomach all day and it just kind of hurt. I forgot that I get insecure when I am sick.

I am going back to bed and don't plan on getting up all day.


Anonymous said...

Being sick like that totally sucks. Feel better soon sweetie.

A social worker in the making. said...

I hope you feel better soon,its probably the flu.Dogs and people can share some viruses so I am wondering if Sadie had a virus.Hope you get to feeling better it totally sucks being that sick

One Messed Up Chick said...

I hope you feel better soon, being sick is no fun at all.

Luna said...

room temp Kool-aid...sugary stff will stay down better than water! Hope you feel better soon!

Lynilu said...

OK, let's look at this .... tired, then insecure, then sick. Yep, your normal. Sick, but normal.

What you describe is almost exactly what I sent through when I was so sick a few weeks ago.

My best bet for getting something in my tummy is to nibble on crackers or dry toast and drink tepid or cool, not cold, tea. Tea is a stomach settler. And good thing is .... I know you have tea!!

I hope you're feeling better by now. Better plan on having a couple days off work, 'cause you're going to be weak. Sorry. Hugs!

Minnesota Nice said...

Sounds like food poisoning, if you aren't better tomorrow, please go see the doc, you don't want to get too dehydrated! Ugh, tummy problems are the worst.

Feel better :)

SassyFemme said...

Ugh, feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon. I went to Wallyworld to get a 4by6 index card and I couldnt find them. I'm off tomorrow to continue the search. I cant wait to send my word.

Monogram Queen said...

Ick Madison had that all day last Saturday. Good times. Nothing like cleaning up someone ELSE'S vomit (even if I did birth her) and she just had to keep trying to eat stuff and then up it would come. I hope you feel better quick Caroline!

Julie said...

I hope you already feel better. ginger ale and dry toast...

Jane said...

Oh, I do hope you feel better soon. I get those stomach bugs at least twice a year and I really do know the feeling.

Sending you lots of light and love,