Friday, February 01, 2008

It's Friday

Sophie and I have a routine every work day. When I get up and get in the shower she normally stays in bed. When I get out of the shower I say to her, "Good Morning" and she slowly gets up and stretches. I don't know what it is about watching a dog stretch after a good sleep, but I love it.

Well, a few weeks back I started saying something a little different on Fridays. When I get out of the shower I say to her, "It's Friiiiiday". I think she gets more excited from this because she knows that means I will be home for 2 days.

So, to all of you.....It's Friiiiiiiiday!!!!

Have a great weekend.


Deb said...

God only knows why my tail just wagged envisioning you saying, "Iiiiittttt's Frriiiiidaaayyyy" to me...but it did.

Will we be spending the weekend together?

Okay, my bad. :)

Have a great weekend!

Minnesota Nice said...

Happy Friday Sophie (and Caroline)!!!

Anonymous said...

what breed is sophie

Monogram Queen said...

Whee Ewwww IT"S FRIDAY! I'm so glad. Happy Friday to you and Sophie!

Sonya said...

Happy Friday! Great picture of Sophie dog!

Bella said...

Whoo hoo, Friday!!!!!!

Lynilu said...

Aren't Fridays da bomb????
