Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Heart Day

So tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I haven't really thought about it much and I think that is good. I am not sad like I thought I would be. When I think back to Valentine's Day last year it seems different then what I thought it was. I remember we went to an upscale movie theatre where you have a waiter and were served actual meals during the movie. At the time I remember thinking it was great, but I was not being honest with myself.

Things are never what they seem and I am realizing that. All the way home from the movies Laura was talking to her and I wonder why I didn't see a problem with that. It really shows me that I gave up a lot of what made me happy for someone else. I will never do that again. I am perfect the way I am and I should never have to change that for anyone. I am thrilled that I have finally realized that because in the end I am happier when I love myself with no conditions.

Do I wish I was with someone in a wonderful relationship? Of course I do. But I am slowly realizing that it's OK that I am single and it's OK for me to spend some time figuring out who I am and what I want out of life.

So until I find that perfect person that is made just for me, I will enjoy getting lots of kisses from:

Notice she is blowing me a kiss.


Anonymous said...

Bravo Caroline! You're figuring it out as you go and you sound good. Sophie is lovely isn't she?

Lynilu said...

That pretty lady blows more kisses than anyone I know, but it is so sweet!! Remember the picture of her on your deck blowing kisses at my house? :D

I knew you'd get to this place where things begin to make sense in your world and on your terms !! It feels good, doesn't it? When someone comes into your life again, it will be all the sweeter because you will know who you are as an individual. And I understand what you mean ... I would love to have someone in my life, but I'm still not looking very hard. It is good to have time for me and the babies. BTW, Ali and China send slobbery kisses to Sophie!! And hugs to you from me!

A social worker in the making. said...

There is nothing better then puppy love lol. Happy Valentines day you are loved by so many people.

Caroline said...

traci--sophie is very of the sweetest dogs i have ever owned

lynilu--yes sophie does blow a lot of kisses...that is part of the reason we are having to move...she has a repuatation around the neighborhood now. :):) that photo you took of her before you moved is one of my favorite ones of sophie

redfrog--yes i do know i am loved....thank you for reminding me

belsum said...

Good for you. Those are important lessons to learn.

Julie said...

It's a Hallmark holiday anyway. Not to sound all bitter, at least I dont call it "Black Thursday" anymore - but it's one of those stupid holidays that just puts pressure on couples and makes singles feel bad.

Minnesota Nice said...

She really does look like she's blowing a kiss!

I agree with Julie, it's a Hallmark holiday. If you're in love, every day is Valentine's, so the holiday is silly. If you're not in love, it's a regular day and the holiday is still silly.

And I did not wear pink or red to work today, I also think that's silly. I wore brown. Bah humbug :)

Sonya said...

Happy V-Day to you! You are not alone though I know it must feel like it.

Monogram Queen said...

Yep you will find your special someone and in the meantime you have Sweet Soph!

LostInColor said...
