Saturday, January 19, 2008

Your Questions

So let's play a little game. I have seen this on several blogs and thought I would give it a try.

Here is your chance to ask me anything. If you have always wanted to know something, but were afraid to ask; now is the time.

I will do a post in the next couple of days with your questions and my answers.

Go ahead...ask away.


Anonymous said...

how did you aquire sophie and would you like another dog ( I am tempted to send you my austriallian shepard beagle mix the problem is she comes along with a 13 year old boy) This is from redfrog27

Spilling Ink said...

Hi, Caroline. Why do you think you like the snow and the cold of up north? Do you dislike hot weather? If so, do you know why? (I mean besides the obvious of its tendency to wreck hair and produce sweaty smells!) I only ask because we have a couple of things in common in our backgrounds and I have strange phobic around the weather.

Spilling Ink said...

I meant phobic reactions. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Caroline, are you one of those frolicking fairies at the top of your blog?...and if so which one.

Deb said...

Do you celebrate your birthday, since you're a Jehovah's Witness? I know you came out of the closet, but did you renounce your religion, or keep it?

Curious. :)

And I'm waiting for your canned chicken soup...Progresso please! :)

Jen said...

Hi! Do you know anything about your birth mother or father? Are you interested in knowing anything about them? Were your siblings adopted? (Sorry if this is too personal -- tell me to shove off if you want!)

Anonymous said...

I've got a million questions about your feelings about growing up a JW but I simply cannot put them to words so, I'll be interested to read your answers to everyone elses questions.

SheA said...

......dream job??? what would it be....? KC or ST. Louis ribs??? *smirks*