Like I do most Sunday mornings, I watched Joel Osteen. This morning I wasn't feeling happy, but I wasn't depressed either. It's weird because someone asked me how I was feeling yesterday and I really couldn't say I was good, but I couldn't say I was depressed either. I am kind of in the middle somewhere; if that makes any sense. He said something that really got me thinking. He said the bigger your problems are, the bigger your future is. If this statement is true, then my future must be really, really big.
As much as I love weekends, I also get a little lonely. I really don't mind being by myself, but every once in a while I wish there was someone here with me. I know that I just need to be patient and keep in mind that she will be worth the wait and until then it's OK that I am single.
I have been reading the book "The Secret" a little each night. The chapter I am on is about relationships. It's all very good information and something I will have to read again and again. It's amazing how easy a good attitude can be changed to a very negative one. Sometimes I have thoughts like, "why am I not good enough for anyone?" But after reading this chapter on relationship I know that in order to attract positive in my life, I need to change that sentence "I am perfect the way I am".
Maybe that is why I have had such bad headaches: I keep having these mini battles with myself. One minute I see all the good I can offer, and then the next minute I can only find the negative.
I am just going to take it one day at a time. Attitude is everything and it's days like this where I realize I really am a work in progress.
One day at a time is good :) Everyone is a work in progress Caroline, everyone.
Please continue to express your feeling here it gives me strength to reach out myself. I think you are a strong person for choosing writing over cutting. ONE DAY AT A TIME. Or should I say one post at a time.
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