Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I am in a horrible mood today. I am tired and I have a headache.

While I try to get over my bad mood, I have a question for you guys. Why do so many wonderful people allow others to treat them like shit??? I just don't get it sometimes.

*The above picture is one of my favorites of Brady and Sophie. They used to argue like an old married couple.


Jen said...

That's an easy one! Wonderful people believe the best of others, and are willing to forgive. It is not weakness that makes these kind people more prone to being mistreated.

Don't let your day be ruined! Get some Little House on the tube and pop some popcorn!

A social worker in the making. said...

Cause us wonderfull people probably didnt have the home life or were accepted by people that were to love us unconditionally so we look for that love in other places which allows us to allow people to take advantage (at least that is my case) it will get better

Sphincter said...

Forgive me, please. I'm not as balanced as the other folks commenting here...I basically agree with Fern, except with a twist.
I believe the reason is that people can be buttheads, and will gladly take advantage of others --even if those others would not dream of behaving in such lowly ways. Just my little theory.

yankeegirl said...

Some people don't think enough of themselves to think they deserve anything different.

R said...

Such cute pictures of the babies :)

Monogram Queen said...

That is such a cute pic!

I had a "day" yesterday and today is one too. We can be grumpy twins ok? I hate feeling this way but sometimes I am just powerless to do anything about it and aside from kicking the ever living shit ouf of my boss, which is not really an option, nothing else seems to make me feel better.

Lynilu said...

Honey, you know that answer! What the heck did you go to school all those years for???

We do it because we care, because we believe that people can change, and because we think we can make a difference in their lives. The trouble is that when we are in the mix of such situations, we don't see the forest for the trees. We don't realize until we are too invested to just say, "Oh, well."

I'm sending you a hug and one for that person, too. :')

Bella said...

Hope your day is going better!

Bella said...

Hope your day is going better!

Minnesota Nice said...

Hard to be in a bad mood looking at that pic!

My theory is that however we failed in our relationships with our parents, we will keep trying to 'fix' with someone who makes us feel the same way. Because we want THAT sort of person to love us. But guess what...never gonna happen. But we can't learn this from being told or reading a book, seems like we have to torture ourselves trying for a while before we learn. Once we accept that we're worthy of someone better, healthier, and kinder, a whole new world opens up. Some people never do that, and that is sad.