Sunday, October 14, 2007

More Like the "old" Caroline

Well, the pets and I had our first night back in the house and it was amazingly peaceful. I woke up this morning to a cat sleeping on my head, one on the other pillows and one at my feet. I am not sure if it gets more perfect then that. I decided today that just because I am by myself, it doesn't mean I can't get into the holidays that are fast approaching. So I went and dug out my Halloween decorations and put a few up. I think I am realizing that just because I am single, that doesn't mean that I have to miss out on so much. The last ten days with MG has really helped me appreciate my alone time. Today was the first time I had pulled out my camera in more then a week. Here are some other pictures that I took before last Saturday.
This is proof that Brady will sleep anywhere. It was interesting to see all the different places he found to sleep at MG's house. My Brady has one of the coolest personalities.

Last Saturday before the whole break-up, MG and I went to Kansas City's Renaissance Festival. It had been probably 10 years since I had been and I remembered why I don't go to things like this. I think it's OK if you are into this stuff, but I just really am not. I did capture this cool picture of the bubbles they had flying all over the place.
I can spot a dragonfly anywhere. I spotted this cool wind chime and fell in love with it. Now if I could just find one of my own.
One of my favorite things to do is take pictures of the sun coming through trees. It is very spiritual to me.

Today has been a very good day. I never know when the bad days are going to come, so when I do have a good day I enjoy every minute of it. I am almost completely settled in. I had a lot of time yesterday after the movers were done and before Time Warner came, so I did most of my unpacking then.

Something interesting: every time I have gone out this weekend people have use the word "sweetheart" when they say something to me. Yesterday at Walmart the cashier said "Have a good day sweetheart." When I went to KFC the lady in the drive-thru said "thank you sweetheart" and then this morning when I went to 7-11 the cashier also said "thank you sweetheart". Normally I don't think I would have noticed, but I did notice and it feels nice that even strangers are noticing that I need a little more.


Bella said...

I'm not so into the renaissance festival either.

Glad you're having a good day today!

Audra said...

I have a love/hate relationship with renn fairs. I'd love to go to one, but I'd hate to deal with some of the people that go to them.

Caroline said...

katie--i am also glad that i am having a good day. i feel refreshed and ready to go to work tomorrow and actually work.

audra--i know what you mean. some of the people there are, well, they are least to me. :)

Monogram Queen said...

I'm not into renaissance stuff either but I DO love that dragonfly windchime. Yay for good days - you so deserve one!

Chelle said...

I just caught up on the last week's posts. Your life certainly is a roller coaster. Glad to hear you are settling back into your house, have friends to support you and had a good day.

Lynilu said...

Oh, that Brady! Yes, I agree, he is one huge personality among the cats! Bonk is sweet, and Ben ... well, since he just barely shows himself, I don't know!! LOL!! No, he's a cute one, too.

Thinking about the "sweetheart" thing ... perhaps people sense that you need it, or perhaps you *hear* it because you need to. Whatever, I'm glad you got some TLC from folks.

I'm glad you're realizing that you don't have to miss out on fun just because you're single. Being single isn't all that bad. I know, I'd like to have a special person in my life, too, but I don't let that stop me from doing what I want. It's OK to be happy alone!

Have a terrific week!!

Julie said...

It's kind of cool that MG showed who she was quickly. Perhaps things will slow down a little so you can catch your breath.
YAY to halloween decos!

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

I have never done a renaissance festival - so I would once just to say that I have but I don't know that it would be my "thing".

So glad you are feeling a little more settled in.

Holly said...

I'm glad you feel more "at home." Sorry you've had to go through this Caroline. We're all thinking of you.

BTW - maybe people just notice that you seem like a "sweetheart!"

Kerry said...

Good to see you home and able to relax some. Halloween decorations are cute!