Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Fighter Within

I am not even sure where to begin when thinking of the last five days. It all got started last Friday when I had those comments from my brother. I had to be at work at 6am last Friday, so I left the house at 5:30am very upset. I think I was most upset about the fact that I couldn't seem to stop my family from publicly hurting and trying to embarrass me. My brothers comments addressed some of the very personal things I had gone through in 2002. The deep depression I suffered in 2002-2003 is something I think about everyday. It's not hard to think about those times when I see the scars. I am not ashamed of what I went through 5 years ago, but I still feel it's my right to keep those moments to myself when I want to and to share them with people I chose. I don't think I would have minded so much if my brother had emailed me, but to put it out there for everyone to read was very upsetting to me. I felt so exposed and I felt like I could no longer protect myself. I was ready to literally throw in the towel and bow down to my family and their hatred.

Then Saturday came. The day started out OK. MG and I took my car in to get some work done. We then went to a Renaissance Festival that Kansas City has every year. I really didn't notice anything too different, but something she said to me on Friday just stuck in my mind. Seeing that I was so upset about my brothers comments (there were 3 more on Friday night), MG's response to me was "just shake it off". I know she meant well, but it really wasn't what I needed to hear at that moment. What I needed was for someone to take me in their arms and say "I love you no matter what you have been through". As we drove to get my car we didn't say that much. As we were sitting there waiting for them to bring my car around it looked like MG had tears in her eyes. I asked her what was wrong and she said she was just thinking about values. I tried to talk to her and she said "we'll talk about it when we get home" and walked off.

When we got home we did talk. Boy did we talk. Keep in mind when I started this relationship with MG and especially when she asked me to move in being very honest with her about where I was coming from and what I could give in regards to this relationship. I told her about my financial situation and that I would not be able to contribute that much to this household until my other house sold. She was fine with it. And I think her comments and the things she said on her own blog showed that she at least appeared fine with it.

By the end of our 2+hour conversation she asked me to move out. She told me that she thought she could do it, but she can't. What can she not do? She can not give me that space and time that I told her I needed. I think that would have been fine, but I really would have appreciated being told that before I moved everything I own here.

As soon as she asked me to move out she started treating me differently. I understand treating me a little differently because we are no longer a couple, but I never expected to be treated like a child, degraded because I am having some financial challenges and mostly like I am an irresponsible adult. It seems like that now because we are no longer a couple I don't know how to care for the pets, I don't know how to manage my money and I don't cope with things well.

Kind of seems like DeJaVu, but come this Saturday the moving company is coming back to move me back to my other house. The tension in this house has been horrible since Saturday night. I am angry and I know that I am saying things that I probably should just keep to myself. I have not been perfect in this whole situation, but I will not take full responsibility. I told MG that I wish she would have been more honest with herself and me before I moved in here. As I wrote on my blog, I was very nervous about moving in. But she insisted and appeared to be very understanding and was willing to give me that time and space to heal.

I feel betrayed. A week before I moved in MG and I had a very heart to heart conversation. Once again I explained exactly where I was in my life and I wanted to make sure that she understood that I could only give so much. I even came out and asked her if I should postpone moving in. I trusted her.

I don't want to stay somewhere that I am not welcome. I will not stay in a home where I am treated (and talked to) like a child. I don't need a parent. What I needed was a partner that was understanding and loving through everything. I guess one bright thing about all of this is I found out about this just 2 months into the relationship, not years later.

My feelings and emotions have been all over the map since Saturday. My first thought was pure panic. I remember feeling that when Laura and I split and feeling it again really scared me. I was afraid to call anyone. I was afraid that people would say "here we go again" and roll their eyes. My second thought was not to burden any those that love me with this and drive back to my other house and see how many sleeping pills it would actually take to bring me some peace. Thankfully, my third thought was to call someone even though I was afraid. I sat and talked with my best friend for over an hour. I remember she kept asking me questions and it was as if my mind was frozen. I couldn't get my thoughts together. My friend talked with me and we came up with a better plan then hurting myself. By the time I got off the phone I was feeling a little more calm and felt better knowing that not only did I have a plan, but I had someone that was going to stop everything in her life to help me.

Sunday my friend and I spent the day at my old house cleaning it from top to bottom. I had cleaned it up a little, but was planning on going back that day with MG to finish the deep clean. By the time I left the house I was at least OK with being back there.

Moving twice in two weeks is not an easy task. I had just finished unpacking all my stuff here and now I am packing everything up again. My boss is moving and I had given her all my boxes, so I had to find all new boxes. I am so tired. I am tired of packing. I am tired of feeling like I don't have a place to go. I am tired of trusting people and that trust being taken advantage of.

I hope you can understand to some degree why I felt so desperate on Saturday night. I really was feeling like I was burden on everyone and I felt bad for those that love me. I wanted to try to spare them anymore sadness in their life. I thought it would be better for them if they just didn't have to deal with me. You know how sometimes when someone kills them self their loved ones are standing around saying, "he/she had everything, why would he/she do this?" Well, when you look at my life I had a hard time thinking of why anyone would say that. I thought it would be more of a relief to be gone for those that I love. Here I am at 34 and I can't seem to find love, I am having horrible financial problems, I have a family that hates me and wants nothing to do with me except to torment me and I have a house that I might lose if I don't sell it.

I am better then Saturday. When I was talking to my friend I told her that I am not better then I was in March. Her response was very simple: Yes you are better then you were in March. You are still here.

Today I took a mental health day. I just needed a day where I could concentrate on one thing: nothing. I could probably use about 20 more days like today before I will feel completely ready to take on the world. But for now, one day will have to do.

I know all the struggles I have been through will someday pay off. Until they do, I will keep fighting. The words to the song The Boxer have really helped me through the last couple days. The fighter in me will always remain.


Wendy aka Cheeky said...
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Wendy aka Cheeky said...

HUGS - Honey - I am soooo sorry you are going through this. I really am. I know its easier said than done but find something positive, the fact that you DO have a home to go back to, the fact that you do have really good friends that you can talk to (or anything else) and focus on it.

For every bad thing you think - think of 2 positive things and know that we are out here to help you through it.

Syd said...

My heart aches for you, Caroline. You have had more shit roll your way than anybody should have to deal with. Hang in there darlin'.

If I could have just a few minutes alone with your dickwad have no idea how much I'd like to kick his ass.

Luna said...


So sorry to hear that things have played out this way....I was so hoping things would be different this time for you.

Keeping hanging in there! And don't give up looking for that partner you want. She is out there and maybe going through some of the same struggles!

Kerry said...

Wow I am so very sorry you are dealing with so much crap. My heart too aches for you.Thank you for sharing I know it must not be easy. Keep talking and we'll be here.

Julie said...

Wow. I am just so, well, angry FOR you? I don't know how to describe how I feel, other than to tell you that I am here for you. If you lived in Atlanta I would be coming to get you and the fur kids and moving you in to my house so you could just have a huge break. Ever consider leaving MO? My boyfriend is a Social Worker at a nearby Children's hospital...(I know you like your job and boss, and probably aren't up for a move, but still.Just throwing it out there.
In the meantime, hang in there.
I wonder if we shouldn't link to your new blog in case your Asshat of a brother saved some of your links and will trace you thru us?

Casey said...

Well now - i was not expecting *this* when I stopped by tonight. I am so, so sorry that things are as they are. :( Have you thought of staying in your house for now and finding a roommate? It's just a thought..I know it woul dbe best if the house would just sell but maybe if you find a roommate to share costs with, you can wait until the market turns around a bit and then sell it.

Oh Caroline - I have no idea. I'm so sorry. :(

A social worker in the making. said...

Aww Caroline I am sorry.How about doing a chapter 13 bankruptcy to save your house.I know it will harm your credit a little but loosing a house will hurt it worse.If you would like some info you can email me at

Anonymous said...


So sorry to hear about all the crap
you've had to deal with. Had a feeling something was up when I didn't see MG's name on your blog roll...

My wife (yes we were legally married in Canada in 2004) is still not accepted by my family (we've been together 10 years this past June). I'm sure all your friends (including blogger ones)
have you in their thoughts and prayers.

Take care of yourself,

Bella said...


You know, when we were on the phone the other night I was looking for flights. There weren't any available for this weekend for the airline I could fly. Just so you know you do have tons of people who care for you.

You are an awesome person and I for one am glad to have met you.

SassyFemme said...

OMG, Caroline, you have no idea how much I wish we were closer so I could just be there to help you. I'm so, so sorry for all this happening to you. It breaks my heart to know that you're hurting so much, and being hurt by others. {{{{ }}}}

Lynilu said...

I know. And if I could change any of it I would. Till I find my misplaced superpowers of history erasure, will you just remember that all of us care about you? I know you have doubts, but remember that is the OTHER PEOPLE who have made ugly decisions, not you.

Stay the course. I don't know why you're going through this, but when you feel yourself faltering, remember that, as uncomfortable as it is, you've come through a lot and you've become stronger for it. This is one more step of strengthening your character and making you the strong and beautiful woman you are. Think how amazing you will be next month, next year!

I'm (as always) proud of you, proud that you're my friend. I love you, kiddo.

Monogram Queen said...

Honey the fighter in you HAS to remain. Just remember that alot of people would be devastated if you weren't around anymore.
Think of your precious pets if nothing else. Love will come. Peace will come.

Married Lesbian Mom said...

I am so sorry to hear things are not good in your world. I will say lots of prayers for you and please know you are in my thoughts.


Trop said...

So sorry for all your anguish Caroline.

Kathryn said...

I'm so sorry Caroline. What a rough road. I hope that you will be able to find the strength inside of you to know that you can take care of yourself and survive this. It's going to be okay.

Shannon said...

Caroline, I'm so, so sorry to hear this. You've had to deal with more than your fair share of crap. But you are an incredibly strong woman and you will get through this.

Anonymous said...

All I know, is when I'm struggling and doing all I can to stay afloat, I rely on the Serenity Pray-- it becomes my mantra when I can't shut my brain off. I don't doubt you will bounce back, you've proven you the meantime, I'm pulling for you.

Anonymous said...


I am sorry that you're going through such a difficult time with everything. I am thinking of you and hope that things start looking up for you.


Anonymous said...

As soon as I read the words 'she told me to shake it off', I knew what the rest of your post would say.

I'm so sorry honey. I wish I had a magic wand that would make it all better.

You are doing a great job with all the 'stuff' and I'm glad you didn't take that final step. Peace.

Audra said...

Caroline, MAJOR (((hugs))) I am so sorry that your life has so many rough spots. I hope that things will start looking up for you, I will certainly be sending you warm and fuzzy thoughts and prayers!