Friday, September 21, 2007

Not Too Exciting Update

Today has not been a typical Friday in my world. Usually my Fridays are busy, rushed and by the time I get off work I am completely exhausted. Not today. I have been busy, but not so busy that I am worn out by 4pm.

I had long meeting this morning where all the managers went over FMLA. I must be growing up because I actually found it interesting. Boy there is a lot to know about it, but thankfully we have a wonderful HR department that has told us to pass anything involved with FMLA onto them. Whew..

Lynilu asked how Brady was doing, so I thought it was time for an update. He is doing good. He is back to his normal self. He is greeting me at the top of the stairs when I get home, tormenting the other cats and being very demanding for attention. I did notice this morning that there is a red spot on his incision (which has healed great) and I am going to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't turn into anything.

Well, a week from right now I should be almost moved into MG's house. Last night I packed up some more stuff that we will take over tomorrow night. We are trying to move as much stuff as possible by ourselves so it won't cost so much with the movers. I have been studying my cable modem and the wireless connection so I can make sure it all gets put back exactly the same way.

I guess that's about it for now. Sorry for the kind of boring post. Maybe something exciting will happen over the weekend so I will have a really exciting post. Maybe I'll get to actually talk to M*agic Johnson.

Until next time....


Minnesota Nice said...

Good news about Brady :)

Monogram Queen said...

Hey i'm very happy to hear that about Brady!
Boring is good... repeat after me :)

Caroline said...

sandra--yes, it is very good news, but I still need to keep an eye on him

patti--lol...i am so used to chaos being exciting that i need to get used to boring being very good.

pilgrimchick said...

Glad to hear the cat is Ok, and that you aren't going to fall asleep after a long, weary day at work this time.

Bella said...

I agree with Patti, boring is good.

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Yeah for Brady!! For the hookups - take a picture of it and it may help you figure out what cable goes where.

Lynilu said...

Sorry I'm so late in commenting, but if you check my post you'll understand. I'm glad to hear about Brady. I'm smiling right now!! And, yes, boring is very good! :) :)

Kerry said...

If you need to remember how to put something together we have used masking tape in the past to write on it a number for each piece and what it connects to. I hope this helps!
