Friday, September 21, 2007

Meet the Family


Anonymous said...

Tres bien, Caroline! That's so cool. We'll have to see about doing some video of Oliver with my camera sometime...and put it online. See you later!

Love, MG

Bella said...

I love the cats, they're just looking at you like what the hell are you doing lady.

A social worker in the making. said...

cool awesome post

Lynilu said...

That is very cool. I'm working on getting some of my pix and music on the site, too. Almost got it figured out!

And to Ms. Anonymous MG ... Yeah, uh-huh, "we'll" just do that ... ON YOUR NEW BLOG THAT YOU'RE GOING TO SET UP ANY DAY NOW!!! LOL!!

yankeegirl said...

That was awesome! It is so funny that Ben put you on the spot, then Bonk tried to make up for it by saying hi,lol
Great Fam!

Holly said...

I love meeting your family!! They are too cute!
I need to figure out how to get my camera to do video.

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Oh I am so glad your kitties look at you the way mine look at me......hehehe

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE that the cats are looking at you like 'would you get that damn thing out of my face already?' and sophie is tail waggin' about the attention! Too funny!

Monogram Queen said...

OH very cute! I Love your pets!

One Messed Up Chick said...

Very Cute, when i get home you'll have to show me how to do that :) Miss ya

Shannon said...

Adorable pets! Great to see them. I love how the cats are like, whatever. LOL.

Caroline said...

MG--now that i know my camera takes video I will have to get a video of sophie and oliver playing. it truly is the funniest thing i have ever seen.

katie--it's not because of the camera..they always look at me like that

redfrog27--thanks, i had fun making this video

lynilu--uh oh...another thing you are going to blame on me. :)

yankeegirl--the minute the camera went off ben started meowing. at least people that know me IRL know that i actually do have a cat named ben...most have never met him because he loves to hide

holly--let me know if i can help you, although it did take me 8 months to realize that my camera would do this. guess i should have read the instructions

cheeky--whew...i thought it was only my cats

traci--both the cats and sophie are so tired of me taking pictures. you know they are now saying, "damn she figured out how to record us"

patti--thanks patti...they are cute aren't they?

eye of the rainbow--i miss you guys too, but i am glad you are able to spend this time with N's Mom.

shannon--actually if you look really closely i think ben is giving me the finger. :)