Friday, August 31, 2007


I thought I would share a little about MG and why I think she is pretty close to perfect.

*I do not feel rushed into anything. She is allowing me that time and space to make sure all my other wounds are healed.

*She's not afraid to tell me how she is feeling even when it may take me a little bit longer to express how I am feeling. (the feelings are there, but sometimes fear takes over)

*She knows that I need a little bit of transition time when I get off work in the evenings and gives me that hour or so I need before calling.

*She's a really good cook

*Even though she has not read my blog, I can already tell she loves it and how it has helped me in the past six months.

*She is open to me blogging (even when she does not have access to my blog) and even visits a few of my favorite blogs daily. Oh, and she has even commented on a few. That's very cool in my book.

*She writes me the sweetest emails every morning and before she goes to bed at night.

*She has referred to us dating as "courting". It's old fashioned, but something about the way she says it feels really good.

*She has shown no jealously over people I used to date (or married to) and is accepting of the fact that I still have pictures (stored away of course) of Laura and my ex husband and is OK with me not throwing them away or destroying them.

*When it's my turn to buy dinner she is OK with the fact that we don't go to the fanciest restaurants since I am on a tight budget.

*Even though she wants me to quit, she is OK with the fact that I smoke. In fact she has said she does not expect me to quit now considering everything that is going on.

She is slowly winning my heart. Something about this time feels so right. Tomorrow night Sophie and I are spending the night at her house. I am looking forward to seeing how our evening/night/morning routines go together.

It's going to be a wonderful weekend!!!!!


Audra said...

aw! that is so awesome that you have found someone that is ok with your vices! She sounds like a really great person!

One Messed Up Chick said...

So we wont read any blogging from you tonight or in the morning huh?? LOL Have fun :)

Caroline said...

audra--she really is a great person and i am loving getting to know her

eye--lol. you are too funny. oh, i'll be blogging tonight, but probably not so much tomorrow night. :)

pilgrimchick said...

She sounds like more than an amazing person. You are very fortunate.

Caroline said...

slskenyon--yes, I am very lucky.

Bella said...

Good for you!

I'm so glad you've found someone who accepts and understands you and isn't trying to change you.

Trop said...

Courtney and I enjoyed an old-fashioned courtship of sorts. We began as a long-distance relationship, and from the very start, we sent each other hand-written letters via snail mail. It was romantic. Of course we took advantage of IM, email and telephone, but those letters were special.

I'm happy for you.

Lynilu said...

When the relationship is right, there is no need to have concern about the insignificant things list the other person's past. After all, it is t.h.e...p.a.s.t. I'm happy for you both that you found each other. And without even meeting her, I have good feelings about MG. :)

Minnesota Nice said...

I'm sorta jealous. Not really but...that's a rare kind of person to find, you know?

Patti_Cake said...

Fingers crossed! It is so wonderful to find "the right" person! I am wishing,hoping and praying for you and MG Caroline!