Friday, August 10, 2007

Cooling Thoughts

Just looking at this picture makes me feel a little cooler. I am thinking of playing some Christmas music just to get me in the it's colder then crap thinking mode.

What do you miss most about winter?


Audra said...

I miss wearing sweaters and slippers and cuddling under a blanket on the couch.

I just went on a road trip and put christmas songs on my ipod! i love them!

Caroline said...

audra: ME TOO. i think what i miss about winter is getting in your car after work. if it's sunny, it's all warm inside.

Bella said...


I am not looking forward to the zillion below zero and the 87 feet of snow. YUCK!

Yet I live in MN. Sometimes I don't know what's wrong with me ;)

Kerry said...

I can tell you that Hobby Lobby stores have started putting their Christmas items on sale. I am thinking of just going tomorrow to feel more excitement in the blah heat.

Caroline said...

katie--i would give anything to live in MN. I love the winters and summers. to me, MN has the perfect weather: year round

kerry--well now...looks like i might have to make a trip to hobby lobby.

yankeegirl said...

If I had my way, I'd be living somewhere with palm trees and ocean breezes. I don't like winter at all!

One Messed Up Chick said...

I just like the coolness, the crisp air :)

Patti_Cake said...

I miss the crisp clean snap of cold air...

I miss coming into a warm and cozy house.

Sadly I won't have a fireplace this year but maybe we'll put one in if/when we buy this place.