Is it just me or is my blog loading really slowly. I tried to go to my blog at work and it was taking forever. I thought maybe it was my crappy computer at work, but it's still loading slowly now that I am home.
Anyone else having problems?
Oh, and one more thing: It's so hot and I am not sure I can take much more of this. This summer I am reminded once again why it sucks to have a black car. I have to get to work early so I can get one of the few shaded parking spots. I am miserable with this heat.
How more days until fall?
your blog was a little slow loading for me, too.
I know what you mean about the heat,it was 98 or something here today with a heat index around 104!
I hate cold weather, but this is a little much even for me. Thunderstorms came through this evening, so hopefully it will be better tomorrow!
Take care, Caroline. I know you have lots going on. I do too, but you just have to keep going and keep believing in yourself. You're doing a great job taking care of YOU!
it loads a bit slow for me.
i'm enjoying a nice break from the heat!
I have been having rtrouble with several of my regular blogs - I thought it was my computer and my own blog was loading fine so I didn't have a clue. Glad to know it hasn't been just on my end. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
I haven't had any problems with it.
Your blog wouldn't load for me at all last night, but just now it loaded quickly. It wasn't just your blog last night, though, it happened with a couple of others too.
I don't have any problems with it loading. I am ready for Fall too!
I had some minor problems with slowness, but nothing serious. Just mildly irritating.
It is loading fine for me. And fall cannot come soon enough!
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