Monday, July 23, 2007

Unexpected Gifts, ETC

I have talked several times about how my friends are the best. It seems that every time I turn around one of my friends is doing something totally unexpected, but so welcoming. As many of you know I am a freak about pens. I have even been known to lie and steal to get one that I like. Last week I received a package from Lynilu. In this package was a very beautiful dragonfly pin. It was just beautiful. BUT, also in the package was the following pen. Six years ago she got these pens from her bank and I secretly wished I banked there so I could have as many pens as I wanted. Well, out of fear, I mean the goodness of her heart she gave me one of her pens. I still have that pen, although it no longer works. But I hang on to it out of fondness for Lynilu and the fun we had fighting over this pen. So, to see that she sent me her pen was a gesture that has left me speechless. I always knew Lynilu was a true friend, but this just sealed the deal. Thanks Lynilu.

Here is a picture of Bonk from tonight. She secretly told me last night that she is so happy she is not in Shreveport. I couldn't be happier that I get to keep my young at heart 20 year old cat. It's hard to believe that she has been with me since I was 14. What a great companion she has been.

Tonight Astro new Daddy stopped by to return the carrier I let them borrow. I can't tell you how nice of a guy he is. I guess Astro had an accident when he first got there and the guy was not upset at all. He knew that Astro was probably just really scared and missing our home. I sat and talked with this guy for probably 30 minutes tonight. He seems so sweet and already seems in love with Astro.

One last thing: Did you know the group Chicago has a song called Caroline? I was on iTunes (I think I need a 12 step program to get off of it) and saw they had a song called Caroline. I LOVE it. It might even be better then Sweet Caroline and definitely better then Roses by Outkast. Chicago's Caroline seems more appropriate for what I have been through the last 5 months. You can click HERE for the lyrics.


Lynilu said...

I'm glad you like the pen. Now if only I could find my pen... LOL! The dragonfly is a "button" but I knew you couldn't put anything that heavy on a piece of clothing. Be creative! I thought maybe a light/fan pull or something along that line. Have fun with it!

I'm happy for Astro. I know it makes you feel better about the situation, knowing that he is in a happy place. Now, what about Brady Boy? Any bites on him? I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Julie said...

I'm the same way with pens. I hoard them like a squirrel and keep some others around for people to use so they don't grab the ones I like.

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

Bonk looks so peaceful.

My husband is a rabid collector of pens, too. He keeps them all over the house.

Minnesota Nice said...

Ah, other pen nerds!! Then you can appreciate this: I just found my dream pen lately, these are the best!!

Bonk has that old girl look that makes me melt. I'm glad she's with you too.

Patti_Cake said...

Aww very glad to hear Astro is doing so well. I am having pee issues in the new house *frown* but we'll work through them. Pets have feelings too although sometimes humans forget this.
Lynilu is true blue isn't she?

Bella said...

I love pens! I am so picky about them, once you find a good one, not much can beat it!

SassyFemme said...

How sweet of Lynilu to send you the pen! Except for my pink pen, I'm not picky about my pens. As long as they write I'm happy.

I'm glad Bonk gets to stay with you! :)

Caroline said...

lynilu--i am talking with a lady that i work with that might want brady. i am not too sure if i have talked her into taking him yet. i am thinking of emailing her a pic of him. no one could say no to his face

julie--hoarding was the word i was looking for last night when i wrote this and i sound so much alike when it come to pens. glad to know it's not just me

nancy--bonk does seem very peaceful. i just hope she (and the others) do not stress too much about the move

sandra--she does have that old girl look doesn't she. she is such a sweetheart and i couldn't be happier that she is right here with me

patti--you are so right about pets havings feelings. whenever sophie gets her haircut she always has the funniest look on her face. i know she is just extra shy after getting her haircut..if that makes sense

katie--my pens have to write in a certain way or i don't like them. i am so damn picky...hehe

sassy--bonk is as happy as i am about staying with me...