Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thursday 13

This is my first attempt at Thursday Thirteen. It's perfect for a day like today when I have like a million thoughts going on in my mind.

1) Why in the world must I work with some of the most incompetent people on the earth? I have never had so much assuming in my life. To me, assuming just means you are lazy. I guess my techs have forgot what happened during the month of June. Do I really need to remind them that I am not afraid to get rid of them if they are not doing their job?

2) The nurse on one of my units is a total fruit cake. I am still trying to figure out why it's my responsibility when there are medication errors. She makes a lot more money then me and she knows what meds are what. The kicker was when she said she wanted to meet with me for an hour each day to go over medication errors. If I had an extra hour in my work day I would not be sitting with her going over medication errors. Ugh...

3) I really miss having a family today.

4) I am not sure if it's just my imagination or not, but I swear the dog and cats are scratching more and none of them wanted in the bed with me last night. We might all be wearing flea collars by the end of this week.

5) I still love my tattoo and smile the biggest smile everytime I see it.

6) Someone should have warned me about downloading music from iTunes while intoxicated. Somehow this week I downloaded $55 worth of music. Some of the songs are great, but others I am wondering what the hell I was thinking.

7) I am not a drinking person, but I think my job will lead me to become an alcoholic.

8) It's been hotter then hell in Kansas City this week. I am praying for cool weather the weekend I move. If it is hot, then I am going to be no fun to be around. (Yes this is a warning for anyone that has offered to help me move)

9) Why can Sophie not wait 30 more minutes in the morning to go out? It never fails she wakes me up 30 minutes before the alarm goes off to go outside.

10) Laura told me last night that I am too sentimental. I would rather be sentimental then have a heart that is cold.

11) Eleven used to be my lucky number, but I think Seven is now my lucky number. Seven just makes sense to me at this point in my life. (more on that later)

12) My house is a complete disaster and it's driving me nuts. I like things to be in their place and it's just not possible right now while I am packing. My OCD is kicking in big time and I hope I can make it through the next two weeks.

13) Without realizing it, the new tech that I hired apparently looks just like me. Everyone is thinking I hired my sister. Every time someone says I look like someone I wonder if I am related to them in some way. (I am adopted)


yankeegirl said...

People tell me I'm too sentimental too. I can't change that and I wouldn't want to.
Good luck with all that packing!

Patti_Cake said...

Hey I would much rather be sentimental than cold an uncaring any day. *shakes head*