Monday, July 30, 2007

Manic Monday

The following has happened since I got to work just 3 hours ago:

*I did the payroll for the techs

*I had to run to one of the residential apartments to get the census

*I had a tech tell me that he hurt himself last Thursday and is just now wanting to see a doctor

*I arranged for the tech (including filling out all the paperwork) to be seen by a doctor

*Talked with Human Resources three times

*Completed the schedules for the month of August

*Completed my forms for the fire drills I did over the weekend

It's no wonder that I am stressed. It's no wonder that when I walked into my boss' office an hour ago and she asked the simple question, "How is your day going" that I burst into tears.

I normally am very professional at work, but I explained to her that I am in a bad mood and I apologized in advance for this. She laughed and said she completely understood and again told me that if she could help in any way this weekend to just let her know. I may not need her help moving, but I might just need a ride home from the bar where I plan on spending Saturday night.

It's hard letting go of something. I know if I can just get through the next six days then I will be great. And if I can get through the next six days without becoming an alcoholic then I will be even better.


Patti_Cake said...

Girl you deserve a medal for all of that! You will be just fine. It IS stressful. I felt sick to my stomach when I realized we would have to leave the house on Warley Street but it was for the best. Peace of mind is everything.

Minnesota Nice said...

I say tip a few cold ones back this week to cushion things - you won't turn into an alcoholic that quick :)

Lynilu said...

Believe it or not, the stress of anticipation is probably worse than all the rest of it lumped together ... including, (again) believe it or not, the angst of leaving the house behind. I think things in your personal life will settle down after you get moved, maybe even before you are "put away."

Hold on just a little longer and see. But, if it is necessary to do a complete wipe out this weekend, DO IT!!! You have my permission!!

Luna said...

Hang in there Caroline! A couple more days and you can really RELAX and kick back in your fresh start!

I'm thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

It IS hard letting go sweetie. I agree with Lynilu though. The anticipation is probably the worst. I admire your strength so much.

Julie said...

It is all going to be worth it, very soon! A fresh start. Hang in there!

Bella said...

That is an insane day.

It takes longer than a week to become an alcoholic.