Thursday, July 12, 2007


I meant to blog about this last weekend, but I got busy with the transition to a private blog.

I went and saw "Evening" and can I tell you how much I loved it. It's a little slow to begin with, but turned out to be one of the most amazing movies. It's one of those movies that really makes you think.

Go see it!! It will make you laugh, cry and think.

Two thumbs up!


Lynilu said...

hmmm. I need to see that. One line especially caught me. "Your mother (named several things). We can't know everything she did. We are mysterious creatures, aren't we?" Wow. What a concept, and how true.

Patti_Cake said...

Unfortunately I don't get to see many movies these days, but one day. One day soon.

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

I'd not planned to see this one, but maybe now I will. It would be a nice break from too much Barney and give the guys in my life (read hubby and kids) a chance to bond (read make a huge mess and pretend to clean it up. Something they all love).