Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Day 3

Well, it's the end of day 3 at my job and the good news is I still love my job. I am finding it very interesting and I am already learning so much. I have never been a supervisor of more then 2 people, so I find it interesting that the minute I walk into an area where people I am supervising are they stop doing whatever they are doing and act like they are working. This week I am just observing (and taking lots of notes) and next week I will really get my feet wet.

The bad news: I still don't have an office. The person that is currently in my office is taking his sweet time to move to another office. I am getting a little frustrated that I don't have an office yet. I kind of feel like I am homeless. I was promised that by tomorrow I will have my office. I hope so. I think the last three days I have been going through Internet/blog detox since I have no access to a computer. I am beginning to relate to the clients.

I woke up this morning with a horrible sore throat. I was just thinking yesterday that the cold/flu season is probably pretty rough around my agency. (it's an inpatient drug/alcohol treatment center) To my surprise the cold/flu season has come early for me. All day I felt like my head was huge, I had a headache and my ears started hurting. I hope I don't get too sick and that this will pass soon. I told my supervisor about my sore throat and she informed me that new employees usually miss a lot of work the first year due to all the things they catch from the clients. She said that after the first year I will have an immune system made from steel. I hope so.

It's been an adjustment coming home from work to an empty house. Last night I was pretty lonely and just wishing there was someone that I could talk to. She is coming and like so many people keep telling me, this is the time that God is preparing her for me.

Laura is coming back into town tomorrow. She is coming back for work and to get her stuff out of the house. I am hoping that all the hard work I have done the last couple of weeks is not forgotten when I see her. I pray for strength and guidance through the next 5 days. I need to keep reminding myself that it's ok that we are no longer together and that we are no longer together because of her, not me.


SassyFemme said...

Glad that you're still enjoying the job. I had to giggle about the people looking busy when you walk into their area. Hope you successfully fight off the cold!

Monogram Queen said...

Stay strong honey! I giggled too at what sassyfemme did. hehe... I used to be SO good at that!

Feel better too!