Sunday, April 08, 2007


Happy Easter. Easter is a sign of rebirth and this is the year of the rebirth of Caroline. The last month I have had a horrible attitude. I have only been able to see the negative in the situation with myself and Laura. Instead of looking at the good times that we had, I was only focusing on the last month and what she did. Somewhere in Texas I realized that I need to change that attitude. If I continue only looking at the negative in everything then that is all I will receive in life.

I want my life to be different. I am tired of giving all that I have to someone which leaves nothing for myself. I need to start putting myself first above anyone else. This is something I have done my entire life and it's something that I will have to work hard at changing. Habits are so hard to change, but I have to make this change. I just have to.

I am tired of beating myself up about this situation with Laura. I need to realize that I am a wonderful woman and partner and anyone would be lucky to be with me. I love with no conditions and the love that I have to give is some of the purest love.

I am working hard at not being angry with Laura. I know she did not do any of this on purpose and she has tried not to hurt me even though I have been hurt a lot. But if I hang onto this anger then it's only going to hurt me in the future.

Today I choose Caroline. Tomorrow I choose Caroline. Every day for the rest of my life I choose Caroline.


Lynilu said...


Minnesota Nice said...

Very well said! You have lots of people rooting for you - you go girl :) Every hard thing we go through makes us better and stronger, if that's what we choose for it to do.

Jen said...

Through heartache, I learned that:
1. I can't expect anyone else to love me if I don't love myself first and foremost.

2. It's okay to be alone.

3. Don't settle for anything less than I deserve.

It took me a while..and honestly I'm still not over the betrayal, but I did learn a lot about myself!
You'll get there! :)

Anonymous said...

You're right sweetie. It hurts so much when someone we love hurts us. We got through all the grieving emotions and can get stuck there in the anger. It's real and it's honest however the only person our anger hurts is us. I'm so proud of you realizing this and making the commitment to move on. Remember to give yourself a break though when you slip back into the feelings. It will happen now and again. You are worth the hard work Caroline!

SassyFemme said...

Good for you!

Casey said...

Yay you!! :)

Monogram Queen said...

You are doing wonderful and it's a wise decision to choose Caroline EVERY day. I hope you can work through the heartache and find happiness again SOON. Happy Belated Easter Honey.