Saturday, March 17, 2007

I Just Keep Praying

I have so many decisions to make that I don't know if I am coming or going. How can everything I have worked for in the past 3 years be shattered in one week. It still seems unbelievable to me. When something is shattered you really have to think if it's something you can put back together or if you need to just move on. At this point I don't know what to do. My heart is telling me something other then my mind. If the two were feeling/thinking the same thing everything would be simple and the decision would be clear. I pray each morning for strength to get me through another day. I find myself just sitting and staring outside looking for some guidance. This past week I have moved through each day like my body weights a ton and I am moving in slow motion.

I just keep praying.


yankeegirl said...

Caroline- keep praying! It's a wonderful, optimistic thing to do. I'm praying for you too. (hugs)

Dee said...

Hang in there girl. You will find your answers soon. I'll be praying for you too.

One Messed Up Chick said...

I will keep you in our prayers as well. You know I am here for you if you need to talk.

Pregnant In Texas said...

I agree with everyone else. You are handling everything so well.

I feel like I'm learning a lot just from being your friend through this time. If it were me, I'd be on the floor somewhere and someone I love would have to come and physically remove me.

Take solace in that you are still remaining upright, let alone typing.

Monogram Queen said...

You are doing great.
What is amazing to me is how a third party can come in and f*ck up things so quickly... and how one of the couple allows it to happen. Okay bitterness OUT.