Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Some Days I Just Want to Quit My Job

Today is one of those days. Most days I love my job, but today I am questioning my love for my job. Here are my reasons why I want to quit today:

* My agency belongs to a coalition and this morning was our monthly meeting. We have been talking about the same shit for the past year. It's a waste of two hours every month when nothing gets solved and we continue to debate how to change how we are doing things. Either change it or shut the fuck up.

*When I came back to the office I was questioned by someone as to if I was really at that meeting. WTF????? My boss was sitting right next to me. If you have a problem with me being gone this morning, then check with him. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

*I was told by the producer of the radio show I did last week that the show was at 7am. Turns out it was actually 6am. I emailed the producer to ask if I could get a copy of the show. I can for the price of $20. Excuse me...I took the time out of my day to go do your radio show. At least give me a copy for no charge especially when you told me the wrong fucking time.

*My phone is ringing off the hook with calls from the same people that called me six months ago saying they had to get in immediately. If you can't make your appointment then please call me and if you miss your appointment and then call me six months later because the judge is going to throw your ass in jail because you haven't done what you are suppose to; please shut the fuck up. Remember: lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.

Please God, let tomorrow be better.


Minnesota Nice said...

Hehe, and yet you are so funny when you're angry!! Worthless meetings are a waste of our time on this planet, I resent them too.

Anonymous said...

Day-um! Who the heck asked you if you were really at that meeting? Were they serious?? Come on! Did you Sasquatch Sally at the meeting? OK, I know that was wrong......I blame it on all the Halloween candy I have consumed. I think I will be calling you for a detox bed on Friday. (I just need a few more days of high fructose corn syrup before I'm ready to make that step). I can only go a few hours without having a piece of candy before I start to shake. I've pushed my fruit and vegetable friends away.....I feel so alone. I haven't been to work in four days either. This chocolate is so addictive. I wish someone would have warned me. I used to work with a candy pusher. One day she came in and brought me a whole plastic pumpkin full of the stuff. I was so naive. I thought I could stop at just one, but that wasn't the case. That was the day I was hooked. I hope I can survive this........

BTW, I FEEL your pain re the stupid people calling and getting mad b/c they failed to get themselves in to see you when they were first ordered by the Court. Sucks to be them is all I have to say.

Caroline said...

sandra--happy i was able to entertain you with my anger. :)

kristie--luckily sasquatch sally (a woman that does not believe in shaving anything and wears clothes where we have to see all that hair..yuck) was not there. i think i would have had to poke my eyes out with my pen.

Casey said...

Ick. I hate days like that. Hang in there - it will be better tomorrow.

One Messed Up Chick said...

Hopefully tomorrow will be better! Keep your chin up!

SassyFemme said...

Okay, you win the prize for this week. Shit, that's really bad.

If someone who wasn't my supervisor asked whether or not I was at a meeting, I think I'd have to give a smartass answer, telling them I was really out Christmas shopping or something ludicrous like that.

Hope that the rest of your week gets better! Hugs!!!

Monogram Queen said...

I do PSA's you do STFU's seriously Hon I hope it gets better for you. Sucky days, well, suck. Ergh.