Thursday, October 12, 2006

Radio Star & New Job

It's been an exciting day. First of all, I went to a local radio station today and taped a show that will air on Sunday morning at 7am. I spoke about addiction and how it affects the entire family and how to help someone you love that has a problem with drugs or alcohol. I was so nervous before going, but once I started talking I forgot that I was on the radio. I think I felt better knowing it was taped. I knew if I made a huge mistake like dropping the F bomb then we could start over. (not that I would drop the F bomb in a business setting) They make you wear headphones so you can hear the conversation. About 1/2 through talking I heard this voice and was like, "who is that?" I quickly realized it was myself talking. I hate my voice. So if you are in the Kansas City area this Sunday and are awake at 7am you can listen to my interview on 97.3. I hope I remember to set the alarm to get up and listen to is. When I left they said I did a great job, but we'll see when I actually hear myself talking on the radio.

Due to budget cuts in the school systems (I hate our current Governor), Laura's job was cut in May. We knew in April that she probably wasn't going to get a contract. She decided that being in the classroom wasn't where she wanted to be right now. She felt her skills could be used in so many other places. We knew she was going to get paid through the end of August, so we budgeted very well to allow this. I told her to take time in looking for another job. With our savings we were more then OK. Well, I am happy to announce that Laura was hired today by a company to write grants. It's a salaried position plus she negotiated to get 2% of the grants she gets. Not too bad. Those could be some real nice bonuses in the future. But here's the best part: She gets to work at home. How cool is that. I am so proud of her.

Tomorrow I take my (what seems like) millionth trip back to the dentist. I am just getting 4 cavities filled so it shouldn't be that bad. When I made this appointment two weeks ago I knew it was going to be Friday the 13th and I debated about changing it. But here I am the night before my appointment and it's still scheduled. Guess I will have to go. I am sure with all my visits to the dentist I have sent his family on some nice vacations or at least paid for a couple of the kids to get braces.

I got my blood work back from my doctors appointment on Monday. Nothing but good news. My cholesterol was 84 (down from 200), and my sugars were 5.8 (down from 6.9). My sugars are suppose to be below 6, so those .2 points make a huge difference. They already cut all my meds in 1/2, so maybe by January the meds will be lowered even more. It feels so good to be eating well and taking good care of my body.


Lynilu said...

Wow!! Congratulations to you both for all that stuff! You and Laura are just amazing!!! I'm so happy for you!

One Messed Up Chick said...

Way to go on the good bloodwork! And congratulations to Laura, how exciting for you both!

Casey said...

Hey - great news on the blood tests! Excellent job!!!

And WTG Laura! Sounds like the perfect position. :)

Monogram Queen said...

Awesome news about Laura's work! Great news about your Dr. visit also. Take a deep breath, hon, the dental stuff will be over soon.
P.S. I wish you guys could come to Maddie's party too. It's gonna be fun.

Caroline said...

lynilu--thank you, but I don't think we are that amazing. we just really enjoy nice vacations and know what needs to be done to keep those vacations in our plans. :)

onecrazylady--we are both very excited

casey--i think it's the perfect position. she is so good about being self motivated in regard to working at home. not me, i would spend all my time watching court shows

patticake--i can't wait for the dental stuff to be over. i have seen too much of my dentist the past six months

traci--i am taking actos for the diabetes and crestol (sp?) for the cholestorol.

Anonymous said...

"My cholesterol was 84 (down from 200)"...that is AMAZING!!!

Ummmm...I forgot how I got here but...hello! Oh...from Patti-Cake's that's how I got here!

Zoe said...

Well that's great news, congrats to Laura, and to you.

SassyFemme said...

Congratulations all around!