Wednesday, March 08, 2006


I was speechless when I heard on the news yesterday that Dana Reeves passed away. Nothing could be more sad. I feel for her family and especially their 13 year old son. I can't imagine losing both my parents as well as a Grandmother all in less then 18 months. Hearing of stories like this really makes me think about quitting smoking. If someone that has never smoked can get lung cancer, imagine what I am doing to my lungs.


Casey said...

STOP SMOKING!!! Holy cow, woman - stop smoking!!

I heard about Dana, so sad. My heart breaks for their son who is parentless. :( I can't imagine.

Minnesota Nice said...

I'm still smoking too. I know, I know.

pack of 2 said...

Yeah...that is sad. I was shocked when I read that...I can't believe they both died...poor little guy.

Ang & I are going to quit smoking AGAIN...sigh...I want it to stick this time.

We just have to finish the carton of cigs that we have left...LOL...GAWD!


Anonymous said...

just makes you think about quitting smoking? what, then, will it take to make you do something about it?

SassyFemme said...

Some things in life (death?) seem so unfair, and wrong. All I can think about this, beyond that, is that at least they're together again. Their poor child though.

Caroline said...

casey--i know, i know..i need to quit..

sandra--maybe we should start a quitting smoking support group

packof2--i was wondering how things were going for the two of you...people just don't understand how hard it is to quit

anonymous--easier said then done

sassyfemme--i didn't think about it in that way..laura and i were talking about how she probably fought til the end not wanting to leave their son alone

Anonymous said...

Certainly easier said than done and when your clients tell you that, what is your response, you trained professional, you? I smoked from the age of 15 until age age 40-- more than half my life-- and when I finally quit for good (after 3 attempts) I was a 3 pack per day Marlboro red (no lights for this broad!). Not wanting to be self-righteous, but after working in the addictions field for many years, finally started to apply to me what I was hypocritically telling my patients to do-- and it worked! Nothing worthwhile is easy...

Caroline said...

anonymous--i never said smoking was good..i was simply making a statement..i don't like smoking and never really have. i am working on quitting. one difference betwen smoking and drugs/alcohol: smoking does not impair your judgement like drugs and alcohol do. and drugs are ILLEGAL and it's illegal to drive while under the influence of alcohol. have you ever known someone that has gotten pulled over because they were smoking??? NO. So, please get off my back whoever you are. and BTW, i do not feel i contradict myself when talking to my client about stopping drugs or alcohol.

Minnesota Nice said...

MOST smokers really hate more aspects of it than they love. They say nicotine is 10 times more addictive than you need more than common sense to quit. You have to committed to quitting on every level. Still worth doing, yes, but still not easy.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm late with my comment, but I want to say this. . . I am Caroline's friend and neighbor whose husband recently passed away . . . NO! Let's call it like it is . . . he DIED from lung cancer after more than 50 years of smoking. Everyone out there, listen to me! If you don't smoke, DON'T START!!! And if you do, PLEASE, PLEASE, QUIT!! Glenn managed to avoid getting the big diagnosis for a long time, but when it came, our lives were shattered, his because of terrible pain and other physical changes that were just awful, and mine in watching him go through what he did. If you love someone, don't make them see what I did. Stop, now. And I promise not to say this again, in the blog or face to face.

Caroline said...

sandra--i also heard that nicotine is more addictve then heroin. the other's available everywhere. when i tried to quit before all i did was notice the people smoking on the tv/movies..i am working up on quitting again

lyn--thankfully i started smoking at a late age, so i have the fact that i have only smoked for six years in my corner...hopefully that will make it easier to quit and get back to how my life was before i started smoking