Thursday, February 16, 2006

Hiding *Their* Secrets

I read several blogs each day. I have a whole list of blogs that I look through and read each morning. It's kind of like my morning coffee. I love reading the blogs and seeing what everyone is up to. Reading these blogs had made me do some thinking. Here are some random thoughts of the blogs that read daily.

First of all why do people make such a big deal out of gay people. I am still trying to figure out why there are some people out there that have dedicated their life to making sure our lives are less pleasant. Why do some people care what goes on behind closed doors, between two consenting adults and in the privacy of our own home? For the state right next to me there lives a man that has decicated his life to emotionally torturing gays and anyone that goes against "bible" thinking. He protests gay funerals, funerals for soliders, etc. And the signs he holds up are filled with 100% hate. They say things like, "God Hates America", "God Hates Fags", "HIV is God's cure for Homosexuality". The guy is fucking nuts. I can't help but wonder what the fuck has happened in his life that makes him so unhappy. He is preaching and teaching hate. I am sure God is just loving that. I have found that the people that protest the most about things usually have a dirty little secret they are hiding about that thing they are protesting. For example. Think of the Congressman that are Rebublician are so outwardly against homosexuals, but behind closed doors he is being fucked by another man. Huh? How does that makes sense. Can we all say contradiction? These are also the individuals that are sitting in the back of the theatre watching Brokeback Mountain and secretly getting turned on watching two men "do it", but in their public life dispise gays. When individuals come out so against something I always wonder what they are hiding. Another example: Jehovah's Witnesses say they are completly against "material" things. You will find that most witnesses are the most materialistic people you will ever meet.

I have learned over the past two years that there are some people that just love being hateful and mean. My tolerance level has been greatly increased and I am learning to sit back and laugh my ass off as these people make absolute fools of themselves. Actually I find it kind of entertaining. I have said several times that this is the wonderful thing about living in America. People can be different from you and that's ok. Just because someone is different from you does not mean they should be treated any differently. I love reading other people's views on things, but when they start shoving Bible verses down my throat or throwing insults in there just because..then I am done. I guess that is one thing I will not tolerate.

So, my end point. For all your protesters and people that make public declaration of how you dislike something...I know your dirty little secret.


One Messed Up Chick said...

We've only had one person be hateful on our blogs since we have started them but just that one time hurt my feelings very much! Some people are just plain unhappy with themselves if they have to pick on others.

Zoe said...

That jackass preacher came to my town to protest at a soldier's funeral a few weeks ago. It made me very sad for the family of that soldier. Knock on wood, I have not had any hateful comments on my blog. I guess a blog called gaymo just doesn't stir up controvercy.

Kami said...

Came over from RSG's...

I don't know what's wrong with people. Maybe they're just asses? I kinda wrote about it the other day.

Some people just suck.

Caroline said...

one crazy lady--i have had several people leave nasty comments. i agree..there are some people that are so unhappy they feel like sharing their unhappiness...

zoe--have you ever really looked at that preacher..he's freaky looking

kami--i agree..some people just suck

woman--we think it's awesome that the UK is allowing gays to marry..the US is so behind in human rights

pack of 2 said...

that preacher was here protesting a school that was doing the laramie project in drama class...PLEASE!

great post!!!

Mean people suck!
