Tuesday, February 28, 2006

An extra paycheck

This morning I called and checked our balance in our checking account. I do this every time we get paid since my check is automatically deposited. When I called this morning there was double the amount that should have been in there. It was as if I was paid twice. Surely, there was a mistake.

When I got to work I called my bank and they said, "yes we are having trouble with automatic deposits being credited 2-3x in accounts. We should have the problem corrected in one hour." I have called and checked our balance and gone online 4x times today and the money is still in there. Plus, when Laura went to deposit her check she said the money was still there.

How long should be wait until we start using that money? A month? Ninety Days? I think 6 months sounds good. If the money is still in there in August, then we will spend the money.


Isabel said...

Things like that scare me. Infact, something similar happened to me today. Offically, tomorrow is our pay day, but since my check pretty much stays the same, the bank went ahead and deposited the money. Only thing, for the 2 last months, state didn't take out my medical reimbursment, so the pay roll lady said this month they would go ahead and catch up with this check. So I know the amount the bank deposited in wrong.

SassyFemme said...

I would just forget its there. If they made a mistake they'll catch up with it.

Minnesota Nice said...

Your payroll department will figure out what happened soon if they haven't already. Too bad we're so technologically advanced these days...in the old days you got to keep bank errors.