Thursday, January 05, 2006

Another blast from the Past

As I sit here at work there is another "blast from the past" moment. Debbie Gibson's "Lost in Your Eyes" just came on the radio. God, does this song take me back. I hate to admit this, but I saw her in concert twice. Yes, twice. I knew every single song of hers. Wow, I am really feeling old.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Did you know she's going to be on some ice skating involving real skaters and celebrities. Uhoh. That spells disaster and chippped teeth to me.

Nap Queen said...

Oh, I loved her, loved her, loved her!!! I can't wait to see the ice skating thing....

Casey said...

I admit- I love, love, love that song. It takes me back in time so fast my head spins.

Those were the days.

Caroline said...

ragged--i did see she will be on that show. Doesn't intersest me though..she goes by the name Deborah now. But she will always be Debbie to me.

nap queen--I still have her CD's and every once in a while I will sneak "Electric Youth" into my car and listen to them and sing at the top of my lungs.

casey--I am a huge music person so I associate songs with times in my life. I bought the CD w/ that song on it when we were in New Orleans visitng my aunt and uncle. I was so excited. So, especially after the hurricane, when I hear that song it makes me think of New Orleans