Tuesday, August 09, 2005


The year was 1999. I was what I thought was happily married. Yes we had our problems, but didn't everyone? We had both just graduated from college and things were looking up. Then someone came into my life that would change it forever. At first I thought this attraction was just a liking of the person. I admired her for all the hard work she was doing. But then it went deeper. The deeper it went, the more it changed me. I realized that I am not the person I thought I was. For the first time I was admitting (to myself and others) that I was attracted to a woman. My life would never be the same again. Looking back I wonder why I was not more scared. It was almost as if this weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I felt light again and felt like I could move around again. For the first time in my life I felt like I was alive. I felt I was being the person that God had created.

Now six years later it is amazing all that I have come through. All the discoveries of my self and who I am. It's been an adventure. But one that I wouldn't change for anything. Now I know what true happiness is. And I know that my happiness should be the first thing in my life. I can't make anyone happy and I can't love anyone unless I love myself first.

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